Just finished a novel, "Mars Life" by Ben Bova. Ruins found on Mars. Cliff dwellings like the ones in the Southwest. But in the novel, it is clear what the author is a big left wing moron. The President of course is an evil conservative, backed by fanatical christians, who do not want the population of the earth to know about these ruins because then it would mean that they would lose their hold on humanity if they are proved false in teaching we are alone in the universe. And of course, the fanatics are also terrorists who kill unbelievers. And of course global warming is flooding the Earth(the weather channel cannot even give an accurate forecast 3 days in advance, but the Earth is burning and it will flood 40 years from now) This novel takes place many years in the future. There is nano-technology, used to make protective domes on Mars for habitation and protective space suits, thin as clothing. But in one scene, a character is getting up out of his chair,(this is many years from now. Technology is moving very quickly even in 2009)and his knee hits the edge of the table, and almost knocks(get this) his laptop computer onto the floor. What the____?
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