Friday, July 31, 2009

Questions for Sen. Spector

Are you going to have the same plan as the American people and illegal aliens, or are you a higher level of species than us, and therefore entitled to better care on the people's dime, or should I say the people's 999,000,000,000 dimes? If your cancer gets worse, are you going to opt for the assisted suicide that will be in the plan? Or are you going to steal the people's money and get the best care the people's money can buy? Contact me if you have the guts. I know I will not receive a reply, because you have no guts, but you have a lot of nerve to steal our money.

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Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Whacked out sci-fi writer

Just finished a novel, "Mars Life" by Ben Bova. Ruins found on Mars. Cliff dwellings like the ones in the Southwest. But in the novel, it is clear what the author is a big left wing moron. The President of course is an evil conservative, backed by fanatical christians, who do not want the population of the earth to know about these ruins because then it would mean that they would lose their hold on humanity if they are proved false in teaching we are alone in the universe. And of course, the fanatics are also terrorists who kill unbelievers. And of course global warming is flooding the Earth(the weather channel cannot even give an accurate forecast 3 days in advance, but the Earth is burning and it will flood 40 years from now) This novel takes place many years in the future. There is nano-technology, used to make protective domes on Mars for habitation and protective space suits, thin as clothing. But in one scene, a character is getting up out of his chair,(this is many years from now. Technology is moving very quickly even in 2009)and his knee hits the edge of the table, and almost knocks(get this) his laptop computer onto the floor. What the____?

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Monday, July 20, 2009


Is Obama going to start the money saving with the same healthcare for his family that he wants us to have? I think not. Wait a minute, he is the messiah. No need for it for his family. He can lays hands upon them and they are cured. Seriously, do you think Obama cares if any of us live or die? By the way, he wants to cut medicaid and medicare to save money for his health plan. Tell your elderly relatives The old will pay the ultimate price. We will be old one day. How old depends on us to call our senators and tell them NO, and also we must vote for people who will work for us, not against us.

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Saturday, July 18, 2009


If you are a senior citizen, you will die earlier than you think if Obama's(blowbama) healthcare(deathdonotcare) passes congress. You will be told that you have lived a full life at age 75, so therefore your pace-maker will not be replaced because the little time you have left is not worth the expense of a new pace-maker. Your dentures need replacing? Too bad. Gum your food or blend it in a blender so you can drink your food. Need bloodwork? Hold on, wait while I(the doctor speaking)dip this needle in some Hydrogen Peroxide to sterilize it. It has been used 10 times today, so it might need to be sanitized. Do not worry, you will be offered assisted suicide under the national healthcare plan. It will be cheaper to kill the elderly than to treat any life threatening situation. Call your senator and tell them if they vote for this commie take-over of your life, you will do everything you can to make sure they are not re-elected.