Saturday, July 18, 2009


If you are a senior citizen, you will die earlier than you think if Obama's(blowbama) healthcare(deathdonotcare) passes congress. You will be told that you have lived a full life at age 75, so therefore your pace-maker will not be replaced because the little time you have left is not worth the expense of a new pace-maker. Your dentures need replacing? Too bad. Gum your food or blend it in a blender so you can drink your food. Need bloodwork? Hold on, wait while I(the doctor speaking)dip this needle in some Hydrogen Peroxide to sterilize it. It has been used 10 times today, so it might need to be sanitized. Do not worry, you will be offered assisted suicide under the national healthcare plan. It will be cheaper to kill the elderly than to treat any life threatening situation. Call your senator and tell them if they vote for this commie take-over of your life, you will do everything you can to make sure they are not re-elected.

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